You know it costs money to operate a productive fleet, but are you doing everything you can to manage additional vehicle costs? It can be challenging to spot hidden costs because they’re often less obvious than initial vehicle prices, registration and regularly scheduled maintenance.
Extra fuel costs, sudden repairs and poor driver behavior can impact your company’s performance and finances over time. That’s why we offer ways to improve your fleet safety and efficiency with GPS tracking solutions.
It’s no secret that the biggest offender when it comes to fleet costs is fuel, which accounts for 40 percent of fleet expenditures. Saving money on fuel will automatically help your bottom line. One of the easiest ways to save fuel is to maintain steady speeds.
Fuel costs can add major expenses to your bill at the end of every month. Your drivers may add to these fuel expenses without even realizing it by speeding, spending too much time on idle or taking inefficient routes.
The good news is that Track Your Truck’s tracking software has features designed to help reduce these concerns. With fleet management solutions, you can plan better routes, address speed issues and cut down on unnecessary idle time.
Identify which drivers are speeding excessively or have a high ratio of speed fluctuations using data from your fleet tracking reports. You then have the factual evidence to present to drivers so there is no question about the speeding issue. Improve this driver behavior and get your fuel expenses under control.
Each time your drivers leave to pick up or deliver a load, they spend ample time planning and preparing their route. Yet what if you could streamline this process while guaranteeing that your drivers always choose the best route? Here is where GPS tracking is highly effective as a way to reduce fleet costs.
The Track Your Truck routing system features Google routing for one of the most efficient routing systems available. Use satellite technology to coordinate your drivers’ routes — providing them with real-time updates in case of traffic, construction or other reasons for route changes. Rather than have each driver use his or her own method for routings, such as an app or paper atlas, everyone is on the same page.
Instead of coordinating with your driver’s preferred routing method, all routing is synchronized in a single platform for the ultimate convenience. This allows you, as the fleet manager, to track all of your trucks while in transit to provide insight on routing from where you sit.
There was a time when business leaders had few options for monitoring driver behavior remotely. Today, all it takes is a computer and compatible tracking devices to manage multiple vehicles and employees from a distance.
Your drivers are your main asset. Without drivers, even a fleet of new, fully decked-out Freightliners will get your business nowhere fast. However, not all drivers are trained or experienced on the same level, nor do all drivers have the same work ethic. One way to change driver behavior across the board is to follow up on fleet tracking reports.
When using a truck tracking system, you already have the information to see how your drivers are behaving behind the wheel. Look for jackrabbit starts, which are indicators of aggressive driving. Highlight incidents of hard cornering, a type of harsh driving that is also dangerous for the public. Find out who is frequently conducting harsh breaking, the act of slamming the breaks.
All of these actions accelerate the rate of wear and tear on your fleet equipment. This, in turn, reduces the value of your equipment — and your profits. Solve these problems now by implementing a superior fleet tracking system.
By keeping a close watch on driver behavior, you can easily identify which employees are implementing safe, cost-effective practices into their day. This will help you address potential issues early and prevent needless expenses.
Another way to improve safety with fleet management is to ensure that each vehicle receives its regularly scheduled maintenance. Preventive maintenance protects vehicles and drivers by maximizing energy-efficiency and reducing wear. Failure to properly support these vehicles throughout the year can lead to decreased productivity, costly damages and drops in overall value.
Track Your Truck uses maintenance reporting to make it easier for you to stay proactive when it comes to your vehicles’ needs. This is an excellent way to keep your vehicles healthy while lowering the frequency of impromptu replacements or repairs.
Safe driving is critical to upholding your reputation and protecting drivers on the road. If you’re unsure how to improve your fleet’s safety, start by making sure your at-risk drivers know the dangers. Tracking solutions can help you determine who some of those at-risk drivers are.
By monitoring your vehicles and drivers with Track Your Truck software, you can ensure that employees are engaging in safe habits. Gather and manage the information you need, and with it, you can improve driver behavior and reduce the risk of accidents.
The best way to manage hidden fleet costs is to implement methods that will minimize safety risks and maximize service efficiency. Track Your Truck adds value to your business by providing affordable, easy-to-use tracking devices and software. Contact us for a quote or demo today if you’re interested in learning more about how you can improve fleet safety with GPS tracking.